Re:Creators - Episode 13 (Review)

7/4/2017 - 1:00 AM - GMT+8
By: Seth Legaspi

I was planning to make an overall review once the series finished, but darn. This latest episode being a recap episode got me to write this. YES A RECAP EPISODE. No it's not negative too. The way the recap episode was made felt like it was all planned as Meteora admits in the end(especially when you take the extra scenes, interesting (new) character designs that show up, etc.).

The fact that they were able to fit in a recap of all the past 12 episodes, as well as add in these new stuff just speaks for how well-planned this episode is.

The voice-acting, the way she recaps the story for us; it gives the vibe as though she is briefing a hero on his/her journey. Meteora's character was really given great depth in this episode. I also loved Meteora's breakthrough of the 4th wall, she really got it in the bag. I can even say she's my favorite character for this series just because of this one episode.   Meteora even explains the rationale behind such recap episodes, especially for this anime that was announced. 

Aside from a recap; this episode serves as an excellent teaser for what to expect in the following episodes. However, nothing is at set, and the last words of this episode clearly state that the ending is not something anyone would be able to guess. The hype given here shows the confidence in the ending, I have that feeling that it is an ending that will not just satisfy us, but ultimately surprise us, overwhelm us, inspire us, and finally leave us as a devoted fanbase screaming for a continuation, spin-offs, etc. Ultimately leading us to make "Re:Creations" of the series by fanart, fanfiction, and other stuff. I have a feeling that it will be an ending that will leave no regrets, but still make us want more.

Also, I decided to upload the lyrics for World Etude which was used as the ED for this series. I will put the link here, as well as make a post at the home splash page once it's up.

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