Figma 100 - Miku Hatsune (Append ver.)

11/18/2014 - 8:49 PM - GMT +8
By: Seth Legaspi

Yes! Today, we have Mikuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!! Sadly, this figma doesn't come with a leek... :(

Append Version
Well, the whim to review this figma appeared after I played Project Diva F 2nd (this game series is one of the rare ps3 games that has a screen-shot feature enabled, so look forward to a possible game review that I might do on it). Miku is simply amazing, heck, just imagining a program designed to sing has got me tingling in amazement already, and suddenly, we have a program called Vocaloid that can be used to bring a song to life, and with it, one of its most famous characters, Miku Hatsune!

I won't go too much on the details on Vocaloid, so I'll just move on to the review...

Thus here is an image of the box:


The figma comes with a net total of 14 accessories (counting the hand-set as 1). Though, the picture that I took below only contains 9... I couldn't leave Miku without a face, arms, a skirt, and a belly after all...

Miku's Equipment

First, I would like to point out that this Figma can stand by itself, without help from its stand. Just look at the size of its feet and Miku's shape (*ahem hair), simply incredible that it can still stand upright despite those specs.

Next would be the figma's height, when compared to that Madoka SQ figure that I have, is about half Madoka's size. ( Thus another use for my for 'display only' figure! xD )

Height comparison from the front
Height Comparison from a side-angle

Moving on, the figma also has a neat stand due to its 'clamp-like' hold on the figma, unlike those 'push-type' ones that require force, for the figma to stick to the stand.

Here's a closer look at the 'clamp-like' structure of the stand from the figma's back. 

dem legs

This structure enables me to get Miku to do cool poses without worry. (Though I only had Miku do one pose for this review... Because of... laziness)

Continuing more on the figma's functionality, its joints are not those hard to connect ball-ended ones, thus making this figma really easy to use like Figma 072. (No Frustration. No Concentration. No Heartbreakation) I'm sorry, I know, it's horrible.

Yay! Easy to use!

The downside to these kinds of joints I believe, would be how they get loose pretty easily, as shown in this picture that I had to retake, due to Miku's right hand slipping off.

If you were paying attention to Miku's waist (I'm pretty sure most of you looked somewhere lower), you might have noticed how that skirt of her's changes from a normal 'belt-like contraption,' to a holo skirt. This figma, as stated somewhere above, has a real good number of accessories and interchangeable parts. In fact, from the pictures, it can be observed that certain parts of Miku changed, such as the:

Arms and belly

 As seen above, through the slightly elevated area of her upper body, her chest area can be rotated in certain angles. Another movable feature would be the figma's hair that can also be rotated, but in larger angles. All in all, Miku literally looks like a goddess when she's all fixed up.

Speaking of the figma's hair; the hair has this 'transparent' feature to it.

The transparency though, only extends up until the joints connecting to her head-part. This coloring scheme I agree with, since it will be awkward if she still had 'semi-transparent' hair on her head. 

Dem Headbands

Moving towards Miku's legs, I can say that they're well proportioned, though the joints that connect her legs to her main body may need a little bit more work since if looked at from a lower angle, these joints are easily noticeable. The little bracelet near Miku's left foot is also a nice touch with the "Crypton" logo on it.

As for Miku's feet, her toes could be better, but it's passable. The joints however, are clearly visible, though I believe that this is a consequence of making the figma's feet more flexible, which in turn makes more poses possible.

On the subject of detail, Miku's hands are really fantastic. The hand postures that came with the figma really fit a certain niche, and the fingers also have a good proportion.

To put this figma review of mine to rest, I will conclude that this figma is really worth the buy. I really appreciate the detail that went into the figma (especially with those transparent parts). I also acknowledge the ease of use that was given thought to in this figma, for I literally did not get frustrated to the point that my hands were shaking with rage and concentration when switching the parts. 

Here is my rating:

Accuracy: 8/10  (Those joints were really noticeable)
Flexibility: 10/10 (She can do a good amount of poses)
Ease of use: 9/10 (Her parts easily slipped, and that made it quite hard to set up)
Color: 10/10 (I did not find any discrepancies)
General awe effect: 9/10 (Looks like a musical goddess)

Total(Average): 9.2/10

For any fan of Miku Hatsune or her songs, as well as for those with strong interests in the Vocaloids; let this figma sing for you!

Did I mention that this figma has a tail?

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