An image of the MoguMogu mascot, this cuteness I begin with |
On September 20, 2015; I went to the Best of Anime Convention 2015
The sight of these three upon entering gives con-goers a greeting |
On this particular day, I sort of realized that there were more people than usual. With the number of people, and the difficulty I experienced in going around, I can more or less say that this year's numbers were greater than last year's.
This large number of people could have been attracted by the very special guests that this year's BoA has, such as; Joe Inoue, UchuSentai:Noiz, and Eir Aoi. In fact, on this second day; there was a concert from 5:30PM-8:00PM, by those 3 guests. An honest to goodness concert in the other half of SMX's 2nd floor. It was at this point I realized that not only did the number of people rose, but the venue got a little bit smaller. Though it's quite possible that this 'crowdedness' was only caused by said limitation of the venue.
Despite this great amount of people, there were still amazing Cosplayers. I wasn't able to take a picture of them all, since I could only stay for an hour due to time constraints on my part. But here are some of their pictures:
Here's a video of Joe Inoue singing, "Closer" (Forgive me for the shaky camera, as well as the bad quality, lots of people, the ground was shaking, and I had to work with the upload size limit of this blogger account. I admit though that I was sort of out of practice with holding still. Well... Hopefully, someone posted a better version somewhere out there in youtube)
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