Star Wars: Battlefront - EA (PS4)

12/12/2015 - 4:32 PM - GMT+8
By: Seth Legaspi

First off... I found this game interesting but I did not like it. Thus the lack of any screenshots or images in this post... Except for the one below since I found this promotional image quite cool.

Enjoying the Star Wars Battlefront from years ago, I thought I would enjoy this for quite a long time too... But it was kinda... Umm... A "clone" of another game? Hehe... Clone...

To illustrate; using one of those facebook posts that I see:


Yep, it's like Battlefield with a Starwars mod. A very pretty Star Wars mod. It almost justified the high price for me. Almost. I am pretty sure there are several reviews out there, and stuff stating how the game is missing some content, and they're all waiting for that similarly expensive DLC to add more content. This review however, will not take those DLCs into account, and simply talk about the game as itself.

Starting out with the tutorial, it was like entering Hoth for the first time. It was immersive. It was glorious.

Afterwards, I moved on to the main function of the game; its Multiplayer battles. Yep. Multiplayer. Yes the game has singleplayer and splitscreen; but I would like to warn all you non-psn+ subscribers out there. Those 2 modes that are non-online are very limited. It's like you'll only have a trial version of the game until you get PSN+. 

The multiplayer battles are pretty fun. It has the same fun as a Counter-Strike game, or a Team Fortress 2 game... Then it dawned on me... Same fun as a TF2 game... I then felt like I wasted money. Sure the graphics were cool... But the same repetitive fun could be had with TF2... TF2 is very fun indeed, but when comparing the price, it's like comparing the price between pyrite and gold.

Here is where I believe the main issue arises. The price. For ps4 peoples out there, there's the base price of the game plus the psn+ subscription. Then one will take into account the small amount of content in the game, very gorgeous content with its pretty graphics, but still small amount... Yeah. it was the price indeed.

It's like you spent 40% of your money on the Star Wars license, another 40% on the pretty art, and the remaining 20% on the actual content itself.

Without the issue of the price though, the game is pretty fun. It's not as complicated as other shooter games out there, and once again, the graphics are nice to look at. I can look at it all day... 

I do not see myself however, playing this game for more than 2 weeks. With its repetitive gameplay, and small amount of content, I would get bored really easily (I am already bored of it actually; as of writing this review). It simply lacked that 'flare' that made playing the game meaningful for me. The progression was just not worth it for me.

I recommend this game for people who have not played any cheaper shooter games out there, like Counter Strike, Call of Duty, Battlefield, or Team Fortress 2. I also recommend this game for people who love Star Wars very very much. The graphics are amazing. 

I do not recommend this game for people who loved the old Star Wars battlefront games; because this is totally different. It's not what you think it is. It is Battlefield with a glorious Star Wars mod.

For this Christmas, if you're planning to get this as a gift for someone; make sure that they have a psn+ account, or are willing to subscribe to it for this game. If you force it on them however; hope they're happy receiving a trial version of the game.

My Rating:

Good Stuffs:
  • Voice Acting; amazing
  • Graphics
  • Multiplayer (Split-screen not included here)
Not so good stuffs:
  • Price (expensive for now)
  • Amount of content

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