What Color? My judgement on Psycho-Pass 2

12/31/2014 - 9:35 PM - GMT +8
By: Seth Legaspi
Edited on 1/5/2015 1:52AM

Ministry of Welfare Public Safety Bureau

Well... That... Was amazing. Yes. I really liked how this season of Psycho-Pass turned out. With that, I guess I have no need to explain that I truly find this anime series interesting.

By Production I.G and Tatsunoko Productions, Akane Tsunemori once again works on another deadly case, this time involving the Public Safety Bureau itself!

To start with, I'd like to state how I like the approach this season took, which involved a strong direct approach by the 'mastermind' himself throughout the series.

I mean, just look at him being all gangstah.

Y'all just been dominated

Of course, this first approach of his is dismissed as just another run-of-the-mill case, until crazier things start to happen...

Akane's home was vandalized

Former Inspector Ginoza talks amiably with a female Inspector

And finally...

Members of the Public Safety Bureau start dying

Yes, this season's main antagonist shows that he means business by attacking the Public Safety Bureau itself! This kind of thing literally got my blood pumping due to the intensity of the situations that our main protagonists are put through.

Added to this would be the philosophical discussions that the characters get into, which really hooked me right in, and glued me in front of my screen.

There's no sound or subs, but she's discussing stuff with Jouji Saiga

Proceeding forward, new characters are also introduced:

Mika Shimotsuki (Akane's new partner inspector)

If you didn't notice, Mika Shimotsuki is the student, who is friends with the two victims (Kagami Kawarazaki & Yoshika Okubo) in Oso Academy, during the Rikako Oryou arc in the first season of Psycho-Pass.

Shou Hinakawa
Sakuya Tougane
We also have the following guy, whom I believe will play a huge role in the future, despite his being a side-character this season.

Teppei Sugou

Of course, it's not complete without some of the old characters:

Akane Tsunemori

Jouji Saiga
Yayoi Kunizuka
Ginoza Nobuchika

Chief Kasei herself

Moving on to the action, I really appreciated the mixture of the music and the scenes themselves. Heck, my screenshot's not that good, but just imagine the drone there being 3D-ish, and the scene mixed with some really fitting background music.


With regards to the OP and ED music, I absolutely have to begin by giving special mention on the placement and beginning of the EDs, since it really supplements the climbing suspense found at the end of each episode.

The OP, 'Enigmatic Feeling', by Ling Tosite Sigure is one heck of a work. They also did the OP for the first season, and once again, I feel that they really got the OP perfectly for Psycho-Pass, though as a side-note, personally, I like their OP for the first season more than this one.

The ED, 'Fallen', by EGOIST, is simply bewitching. The way it creeps out just before an episode ends gets one pumped up for more! EGOIST also did the ED for this series' 1st season, and once again, this ED song truly got me watching all the way through the ending credits.

Opening Credits

Ending Credits

For my judgement; this anime series definitely got me psyched! I simply liked each second of it! It does have certain episodes which focus on character dialogue, but these dialogues, in my opinion, are what adds more essence to show.

What's in this dialogue? Well, it all boils down to what I love about this anime series. I simply love how it tackles that 'perfect' society wherein everything is technically deemed safe by an autonomous artificial intelligence unit. In the first season, I saw that it tested the morality of such a system, as well as the limitations of a system made by man.

In this second season though, I saw it test this society by having this system tackle the problem of judging itself. This is a problem, since if the system itself judges itself then that in itself will show that it is not a system that can judge equally, since the system itself can be given a judgement on what it is.

Continuing, this show's got a really 'mature' feel to it, and it may be too convoluted for some. However, I still recommend this, since it really gets one thinking, as well as entertained with its incredible scenes, and interesting ideas. Though I suggest that one begins with the first season so that things won't be too confusing.

Of course, I don't need to explain much for those who like said first season... Heck, Ginoza's robot arm might be enough a reason for you all! xD

dat robot arm

If that's still not enough...


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